Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm just saying...

I wrote on Cidell's blog that I was going to hold off on buying fabric till April, unless a trip to India was in the offing. Because, I can resist many things, but not pretty and cheap Indian fabric.

That being said, here's the temptation I face on a daily basis. This is (a part of) my mom's sari closet.

Here's the thing - she wears a sari roughly once a month. I know, I've counted. So, essentially, I face 6 yards of fabric per sari, under-used, tempting me, whispering, "cut me, cut me, she'll never notice I'm gone..."

So far, I've resisted.

But its hard.

More pics of temptation...

In the fall, my brother and me started taking out a couple of saris a day and hiding them. We were wondering how long it would take for my mom to notice. It took 10 days. I'm just saying...


Sew Shy said...

Hmmm... Strategy... I wonder if she'd notice if you hid one sari a month...

cidell said...

Why are you doing this to me? It's like being hit in the face with a bolt of gorgeousness. I had a friend who went to India TWICE and nary a thing returned with her. Quite frankly I would sneak something out and play dumb.

Gorgeous Things said...

Wow, those are gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

I see that my aunt needs to buy a safe with a combination lock...my next presenty for her :)