Friday, April 29, 2011

I hate hand-sewing!

There is a tiny flaw in my new dress (I did finish the Vogue last night, and Mom, that's why I didn't pick up the phone.)

The neckline isn't symmetrical. I wore it to work today, and stared at myself in the mirror - nope. One end of it is much more curved than the other. Argh. (So I tossed a cardigan over, which hides it.)

I finish my sleeveless lined dresses the BWOF way (the one they illustrate with a dowel - leave shoulder seams and a bit unsewn, join lining & fabric at neck and arms, and then turn right side and sew shoulders). This leaves a tiny bit of hand-stitching at the shoulders, which I'm generally not content doing, but still manage to anyway. Unless it is on a neckline such as this, where the boat-neck really shows every single flaw. In this case, I've turned down a seam allowance while hand-stitching a bit further than the other side.

(Is anything I'm saying making sense? It might not, I've only had one cup of coffee.)

Anyhoo. When I get home tonight, I evidently need to rip out the stupid hand-stitching, and fix this.

But you know, apart from that, I' pretty happy with this new dress. In fact, I'm off to the washroom, to stare at the dress in the large mirror there.

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